1134 W. Hildebrand Ave
San Antonio
TX 78201
Please join The Royal Sovereign and Imperial Court of the Alamo Empire for Girls Rule, Boys Drool, Saturday, August 5, 2023, at SA Country Saloon, 1134 W. Hildebrand Ave., San Antonio, TX starting at 8:00 p.m., with Social Hour at 7:00 p.m.
There will be two fish bowls, one bowl containing the female names, and the opposite bowl containing the male names. The DJ will select the song and the name will be picked from each bowl. Two contestants will lip sync for their life! the team with the most wins will win the game. A name will be selected out of the winning bowl and that person will win the prize.
Proceeds from this event will be benefiting the Alamo Empire Reign 32 charities of Living Positive San Antonio, MCC, and We Are Alive through Coronation 33.
Event POCs: Empress 32 Jo Ann Lord & Tara Bentley