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April 10, 2020 @ 12:00 AM – May 10, 2020 @ 12:00 AM
Please Join the Alamo Empire as they try and raise money for their Reign 28 Charities
A fun way to raise money while trying for prize.
We understand money is tight right now for a lot of people…same with our charities. Right now some of them can’t even function.
We are hoping we can count of you to help out. If you are able, please consider a donation.
A one time, weekly, or bi-weekly would be much appreciated.
This auction will start 4/10/20 and go for one month.
$5 will get you 3 tickets
$10 will get you 8 tickets
$20 will get you 25 tickets
To purchase tickets, please click here
Prize will be a Tito’s Vodka basket totaling over $200!