2nd Annual Black Party: Unleash Your Inner Fetish

October 3, 2015 @ 9:00 PM – 11:45 PM
Silver Dollar
1812 North Main Avenue
San Antonio, TX 78212

Please join the Alamo Empire and Reign 24 Princess Royale Pamela Michelle Herrera as she host the 2nd Annual Black Party: Unleash Your Inner Fetish. All the fun will be on Saturday, October 3, 2015 at the Silver Dollar Saloon, showtime starting at 10:00pm. Everyone is encouraged to wear their favorite fetish: leather, lace. etc.. Accessories are encouraged as well: chains, whips, feathers, etc… This will be a night of unleashing the fetish from within while raising money for the Alamo Empire and Reign 24 Beneficiaries.

There is only a $5.00 cover at the Silver Dollar, other than that bring your sexy butts and dollar bills to tip your favorite entertainer. All Entertainers are welcome and encouraged, line up at 9:00pm…. Showtime 10:00pm…. Come Play and Have Fun!!!

2 annual black party